Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In the bird house!

Just as we were waiting for the fog to clear the birds start singing outside the window!

Penny: Aw listen to the birds!

Marc: Yeah, it sounds like we're in a birdary!

Susan and Penny: You mean an Aviary...

Marc: Oh!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Marc and Gus take a trip to Tesco's for lunch!
Gus has a meal of mince, mashed potato and peas, Marc has, what he thinks is a sandwich!

Marc opens his sandwich, to discover the buttered sides are facing out, so he puts them the right way and then continues to eat but finds it rather disgusting!

After disguarding the sandwich, they both leave to head back to the office!

The get back to Gus' department and sit down, and Marc then tells Claire about his ordeal...

Marc: I had the most disgusting sandwich, it was buttered on the outside and not cut through the middle!

Claire: Was it meant to be toasted? As in you put it in the griddle and toast it?!

Gus: That explains the buttered sides on the outside!

Marc: Ooooh, Bugger!

Thursday, March 05, 2009


WOW its been a long time coming for a new Marcism!

Marc to room: Blimey, I have a bladder the size of a sieve today!

Random in room: Don't you mean your bladder is like a sieve today?!

Marc: Yeah thats the one!