Monday, September 22, 2008


While outside waiting for the dog to come in from the dark!

Marc: What the flying f**k is that?

Sometime later...

Marc: Oh its a frog!


While having dinner the discussion turned to America...

Dad: Do you know who discovered America?

Marc: Erm, yeah, wasn't it Christopher Columbus, he found the Potato!

Dad: No, that was Sir Walter Reileigh..

Marc: Oh.. ok I thought it was!

Dad: What nationality is Chris Columbus?

Marc: English!

Enough said really! He's Portugese! Marc never did do well at History!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Queen!

Having a chat on MSN about a suit!

Steven says:
can you recognise the background?

Marc... says:
no.. where is it

Steven says:
queenies old place

Marc... says:
who the fuck is queenie.. that gay bloke?

Steven says:

Steven says:

Steven says:
queenie = alex

Steven says:
did you not know that

Marc... says:
ooooooh no i didn't! lol

Steven says:

Steven says: