Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rock hard tree!

Office chat about pomegranate and Marc as always over hears!

Marc: Pomegranate? Thats that grey brick isn't it?

Adam: You assume pomegranate is a rock because it has granate in it?

Marc: Yeah, is it not the grey brick?

Adam: No, you're thinking about the breeze block!

Marc: Ah I see...

I love cake

Someone is giving out cake in the office, it's got a layer of pink and white sponge.

Marc: Oh, this looks like Nuremberg cake...

Office laughs!

Susan: Do you mean battenburg cake?

Marc: 'Blank look'!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Blind luck..

Marc is looking out the window.

Marc: Hey, look at that man handgliding past the window...

Everyone looks...

Susan: Thats a helicopter!

Marc: Blimey, my eyes are bad!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I'll be back

Gus: Wow, I never realised Daniel Radcliff was quite so short.

Marc: Yeah. I heard Arnold Swartznegger is only about 5’2 or 5’3.

Gus: No he’s not! He’s around 6 foot something.

Marc: Well 5’3 it’s not that short.

After looking up the height of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Gus: See, he’s 6’2.

Marc: Oh, this person, arr, he told me… well, I was told he was 5’3.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Notre DAMN

Last night in the pub...

Nick: What school do you go to?

Girl: Reeds.

Nick: Do you know Kurt, Kurt Williams?

Girl: No.

Nick: Do you know his sister Amy?

Ams: Why would she know, she went to my school...

Marc: Where did you go?

Ams: Notre Dame School...

Marc: Is that in Belgium?

Nick: Cobham actually!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Kat: Tell me your best Marcism

Marc: Ok, I got some good ones

Pause for about 5 mins...

Marc: Ok I got one, "I'm in the office...", No can't remember that one!


Marc: Right, this one is good, "We're all walking in the high street...", No, thats gone to!

Kat: This is turning out to be a Marcism in itself!

Marc: You maybe right! I'll have to remember it though!

Garlic anyone!

In the pub discussing Garlic...

Marc: Well, even i know what Garlic looks like, its like an onion but smaller!

Good eggs and bad eggs!

Marc and Steven go shopping for dinner and breakfast to Tesco!

Steven: I need eggs.

Marc: If you get the eggs from the back they are usually the best ones.

Marc picks up the box of eggs and looks inside!

Marc: Not that you can tell or anything, because your just looking at a shell!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Who needs money anyway!

So, Marc is in the office with Gus and Kelly talking about Super cars!

Marc: If you could have any car in the world, money no option, what would you have?

Kelly: Money no option?!

Gus: Money no object!

Marc: *Blank look*!

Coke Over Dose!

Marc and Gus sometimes go to the Bookshop on Campus to buy a meal deal lunch!
After buying lunch and getting back to the office, Marc complains of to many Coke bottles on his desk as he rarely drinks it!

Gus: Well, why don't you get a different drink?

Marc: What, can you get a different drink to Coke?

Gus: You don't just have to get Coke because it's on the meal deal picture! Have you not seen me for the last year get different drinks each week?

Marc: Oh, I've been getting Coke every week.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Marc when feeding the ducks.

Marc: I’ve decided to name this one Alan and this one Clyde. I like their names.

Gus: Why? Marc, they are female.

Marc: Oh yeah!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In the bird house!

Just as we were waiting for the fog to clear the birds start singing outside the window!

Penny: Aw listen to the birds!

Marc: Yeah, it sounds like we're in a birdary!

Susan and Penny: You mean an Aviary...

Marc: Oh!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Marc and Gus take a trip to Tesco's for lunch!
Gus has a meal of mince, mashed potato and peas, Marc has, what he thinks is a sandwich!

Marc opens his sandwich, to discover the buttered sides are facing out, so he puts them the right way and then continues to eat but finds it rather disgusting!

After disguarding the sandwich, they both leave to head back to the office!

The get back to Gus' department and sit down, and Marc then tells Claire about his ordeal...

Marc: I had the most disgusting sandwich, it was buttered on the outside and not cut through the middle!

Claire: Was it meant to be toasted? As in you put it in the griddle and toast it?!

Gus: That explains the buttered sides on the outside!

Marc: Ooooh, Bugger!

Thursday, March 05, 2009


WOW its been a long time coming for a new Marcism!

Marc to room: Blimey, I have a bladder the size of a sieve today!

Random in room: Don't you mean your bladder is like a sieve today?!

Marc: Yeah thats the one!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2009

Just thought i'd write this as there has been nothing much said for a couple of months!

Stuff has been said but I can't remember half of it! And the other half.. well thats just not cricket!

I did, however, get the new iTouch and downloaded the zippo application.. it says you can blow into the mic to blow the flame out.. I was trying this for ages, but then realised it didn't have a mic, as it is not the iPhone!