Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Duck knows

[After the last post Marc attempted to prove his pig theory by logging onto a 'little known facts' website. The tirade of shite that followed as he read the 'facts' out was too numerous and dull to bother typing for your pleasure until he got to...]

Marc: A duck's quack doesn't echo and nobody knows why.

Pigs can fly

Marc: Pigs can't look up.

[we all look at Marc witheringly. Andy logs into Marcism's ready for a new post]

Marc: It's a fact.

[as if to prove it Marc gets on all fours and pretends to be a pig straining to look up to the sky. If only we'd done a video blog...]

Monday, June 26, 2006

Play away

Marc has been away this past week. However, he is back now and it can only be a matter of time...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Marc: Hong Kong used to belong to America, didn't it?

Wella, wella, wella - uh

[Darryl is wondering aloud what John Travolta was doing celebrating with the Australian football team after their match yesterday]

Andy [after a long pause thinking up of a poor joke]: Maybe he was supporting his girlfiend's team. Olivia Newton-John's Australian, isn't she?

Marc: Is that his girlfriend?

Garry [explains with the patience of a saint]: No, that was his girlfriend in Grease.

Marc: Right.


Marc: So they're back together now?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Full of beans

Tina [serving up some tea to Marc]: Do you like green beans?

Marc: Ummmm.. no, but I like orange beans.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Give him an inch and he takes a mile

[Marc is walking around holding a tape measure]

Andy: So, how long is a foot, Marc?

Marc [looks at tape measure]: 30 centimeters

[long pause]

Marc [lloks at tape measure again]: how long is two feet?